Substances of very high concern (SVHCs) may be present in a wide range of consumer products. The LIFE project AskREACH helps consumers to make use of their right to know via the app Scan4Chem and companies to comply with their duty to inform about SVHCs in articles in accordance with the European Chemicals REACH regulation.
The German Environment Agency and AskREACH project partners are inviting companies and stakeholders to the web conference Compliance digital – Simplified corporate communication on SVHCs in articles.
The event offers an opportunity to learn about legal information obligations and digital communication solutions. It will focus on the European consumer app Scan4Chem, the free AskREACH database, which allows companies to provide their product information, and an IT solution for communication along the supply chain.
The Compliance digital events takes place at irregular intervals in German or English with similar content and is the sixth conference of its kind. Repeated participation is not required.
Web conference in German language on 10 March 2022, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CET.
Update: Thank you to all 140 participants from different sectors for attending!
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