“Digital Compliance” event for German companies: Improving communications on SVHCs in articles

20 / 05 / 2019

A meeting to introduce LIFE AskREACH to German companies and associations was held on the 10 April 2019 in Berlin.

The German LIFE AskREACH partners presented ways for companies to improve their communications along the supply chain about SVHCs in articles and to comply with their legal obligation to inform consumers (Art.33, REACH regulation).

Around 30 stakeholders, mostly from the manufacturing sector, were interested to learn about the LIFE AskREACH project and to see the IT tools under development. They also had the opportunity to try out the supplier frontend for uploading article information to the LIFE AskREACH database.The LIFE AskREACH project tools were presented, along with detailed information about the consumer and company campaigns.

Participants were particularly interested in how the LIFE AskREACH database will relate to the database that ECHA is mandated to develop under the revised EU Waste Framework Directive.

Industry concerns were noted in order to take these into account as far as possible during further development of the tools. The potential level of cooperation between the LIFE AskREACH and ECHA databases was discussed extensively, and worries were expressed about the possibility of having to submit article information twice and in different formats.

The presentations of the event can be found here (in German).

Photo: https://pixabay.com/

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