Information on all currently identified SVHCs is now published on our website. The reasons for inclusion of these chemicals in the REACH Candidate List (health and/or environmental hazardous), as well as examples of their uses and potential occurrence in articles are presented.
Chemicals identified as SVHCs according to REACH Article 57 may have one or more of the following properties:
For additional information about a particular substance, links to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) info cards are provided.
To facilitate access to the information, a search engine and alphabetical search order are offered, as well as search by substance group categorisation.
The Candidate List covers around two hundred substances and will expand further as new substances are added twice a year. Updates in the LIFE AskREACH website will follow all the latest developments accordingly. The SVHC information will also be accessible through the consumer app Scan4Chem which is under development by the LIFE AskREACH project at the moment.
Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels